This web site includes our entire catalog of products and services. 

Our goal  is to provide a visual display of our customer's samples as well as information pertaining to our products.


When we designed the graphics for this site, we wanted to incorporate elements of tradition and style carried into the 21st century.

Instead of turning a printed page, a movement of the wrist and a click of a button is all that is required to learn about what we can do for you.

However, a printed catalog is always available for free by calling, writing, faxing, or e-mailing any one of our three locations.

Please keep in mind as you browse through our site that we will warehouse any and all of your products and release them at your request. The geographical location of our 3 sites, will almost always enable receipt of shipments within 2 working days anywhere in the country.




Some products can be purchased online at HarperLink